Barrie Examiner, 3 Oct 1956, p. 7 (2024)

Barrie Examiner, 3 Oct 1956, p. 7 (1)

iIurwu ANGUS RADIO TELEVISiON 2110 new AND liamonnfam MM Qoml 182$ DASHSr Electric MOtorS 10 R938 Barilo PHONE PA 85307 ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE 010 dwinh and poptn 5M HAROLD HART uurle metric Molar 53 Owen Br COLLECTIONS No ewuuon No Credll BIINIII ill Emil Phanl pa e475 CHINALIZING SI F5 YOUR FIRST FAiE 01 BA 8331 be Quilted crepe Sighmy ar Knlited Booties no he put on 1712 PHONE PA Mlcz AFNIE pm Ilr Bab Aime doile the WI yollmlggk lhemy 51134 ALTERATIONS STORE FRONTS AND EXTENSIONS bizqu bl turned into apartment Ore Slatiml Film 00 FLOOR COVERING oarmsironrr Floor Coverlnl Jiluhbar Ind Asphalt uuolrum llqluc Won 11 ued rod muna mm reseuewmlmnee wAWOLFENDEN rheo pa cam ff tic Toronm st AUTHORIZED SERVICE AND SALES ELECTROLUX QANADA rm rod supplies Also Recouditlnnéq ltdcalm Rcuorrqbly priced BRANCH orrrcls PH pa 83892 PARKERS CHIMNEY SERVICE cnlrnn oreelreaL mnul on 309mm rreured mm minusnous wrterpreeeed mired sruccomd nu wort errranged FREE Esmm CALL PA 85270 Itsyum slalom XTRIMILWORK rir¥13feSm BUILT iN CUPBOARDS AREMOD LING roacms drama murmursr sumac BRUCE aurwzu PHOnePA66382 imief*ckgmcwga mm Maw Pang PA cm or um mm hulan mm morm PA mu par on man INNISFIL ELECTRONICS P11 PA 82206 Ht HI EL It lclun more atur color while ptnka tutu 0ilzgnxfi VD MI 65 gmhto s5 umples 01 ml work VI coou lunch Black SCOTT GSON HIM on valuable property as yum sr 5103 ralmm no shah LCAMERQNV dancer ur oxider Its on one be the yourhuaband will 9f foul play Wiiilbo hequltted mg PIRSONAL It communist manna con My Suit lurk algalr 89935111 13 Brno over rich Ind wayward lint $32353ka LOST AND FOUND mu nuns who round llrla wrlrt 3311 inlualled gurus 10 noya 14 on Irmwm to tha Kl user or Re Kevin and receive rumhr II rcwa or phone umvale llrflcollliclilln ROOM BOARD uauuooM mrnlrhed in man and lun among 1H ROOM AND 110A Gentleman to share roam rinlie badlr Private home Close to our Allugliealhana PA HIDE 111134 59 BOATS MOTORS nlchlutrr Outboardnowly no uhrd deck with 25 no lo mnu mo lor Completely in yum ahicld Imamlie can on er inlamailou phone met CHICKS ClflCKBi Hunters havohaichu week ly In production bred chick We recommend Dellb chick or better uvabilily hllhur production lnfl ruller return over and tail We Ea you with ynlll lured to he haul ry firohlemx all or write crn unler unme Poultry Farm strou 141qu For Business opportunities sunr permanent year mu our ness You brrln mind goo money the urn day Slflc iv your own om Openings in our luroundlrlaa Faniii Dept slot on Montrool lli nusmass emu no you wnrk when there on many Impioynn if so on Cln earn urn mo oy by becom no ue Abvtflr Reprrxrgltohlv or your piano in near as mmlssi lame MALI 35 Ari 304011511 on venue on or are Interview animal 0065 PET STOCK cod watch dam Fan heap phone 31991 El and on dam of chlidrcllr ni Drer Hound years old Robert Castes Crocmore phone zozwa even inur lBiilIH mean AND pox Hounds Beagle and Red pone Runnable Prlcrd or quick rote Ap to Palmer Bowman phone 29rd guru 3Ilaili MORTGAGES WANTED $8SOQQO FIRST MORTGAGE Box Barrie Examiner security 4111mm nnsruomqaqu moneyto lo rl laoxscaoex more if fin Fou sue llrrt Mortgage $5500 on new house intrmc ly Bax st Barrie Examiner iiimale FARMS FOR SALE STILLS REAL ESTATE SACRIFICE iso ecres some bush name home and hrrn heav wiring some crap included sue Terms to reapnn rune new ALEXHOOD EPRESENTATXVE Collisioqu Phonu56r6 AUCTION SALES 0c Auction lalc an IE rezistered accredited Holstein cows halter and here rtre qrHaw am bro Lot lCon halfway between Coornowo and zoo No reserve as nwnen rre Heinz out of in mukhbusineaya Teréna also fill on 31 msgeu Aneuoo role or we and runum or uer not all Com hip mun mirth em curve or arm In rat Term cub Charles uciionecr 112114 is auourm eole of furniture Inelndlne many or Mrs mrymmn firm se Candied Terror harmme lnlid 16 com meta crul ergd god gum is he on was womhwlluyr run is air Efirovieiiri re hi nouu alle ay Def iris Eliiiltrldi nok Lac 20 10 me or 10 III We ordr olhumyfxtriiiira 79 0f NI BeachJiurlda llrs label Chitiick retarded yeuerday to her nunifilroamou at Hydra Colouyhuse Nar lhern Oaiarioalier spending two weeka vacation in Barrie with her Mather tune iumbull 11mm ENAlflun no or worn cflotplul arrtr nu 031 sumo Mr dam lauA Crlneuden 4o legruflou Ll mn Imfltwil nunem the ll Victoria l1qu Barrie nn to he an In Charleennunl Lu Ilad Ion Ilindleyz mcwsma the Royal Victorl lawn1 Benin an on use to ma can uh dau hter Thrashwit aenrrtl no or Iwaan Scyl as use to Robert Milne nu lrlcv Per Whitby Inn MONKIIAMA the R0 Vlctorh Raspiul Blrria on De 1m to Mr and Mn LMunkman sm ner murder Kalhrrlne Ann scrumIn In noyuylcrort Hospl uI arrru on on lose to Cpl one umhmrr Nelln demo it ran Michael John to new Ind SthkE Tillrnbinm nee er ZABTAl Rayifl Vlclurliwuupllal Barrie on Oct use to cpl rod Mn cornelluc 2151 Im Armin daullller Them Hermine Anni Or manssuddenly home an amine Avenue Lorinerr Wadch day Sept In less rrrdrrtcr Allan Can beloved hushohd or panel sturrru and dear other Judy drrr Ion or ril Guam or we low and the in lirs Annie antes dear brother or nelyn Mn 60 on Procter Sgt Atom Caller nc at no rrt quenrc Dummy Iun lrrreld auuon oi more inter ment rlihavenv are mm roanIt in home sop rm some on Wednesday lied ihnmas Edar Ford beloved huromd oi ulnne Clouxhiay dur lather of Clarence end Millich Mn Edaun Vettehl both 01 arrlo Maude Younf loom cmord or creme Murray or Cal real and Dorothy Mn Huan Campbell or stroud In the 17m yenr drum or me icnncu nun enI Hume arrrle nmrru service on Friday Oct at pm lnlrh earrings are nurr Ton Belllu wn at evenlnz tide 3in1 ch mcnt Grench Cemeiery MernnaNnAi Sidhrook Hospital Cohuurg on newly 02 1956 Rnbefl IleFlrhnd beloved can of Hz illl Wiillllll and Sarah Mb Farianq dEhi braihcr 01 Fred nl Bummer DBL nnd Olive Mr Pani arrrlr Arming at the lumen Innonl Home some Oct al 10 rm lee rt pm lniarmcnt Cemetery IN MEMOREAM uuaoruusIn living memory 01 drrr husband Stuart uumdge who 111qu away her c1955 Hill MILll In andtender Just to show we rtu remember ll not the words hey are hub Iew Itl ihzumcmory Siunil We have at L0 in rem hard on BURRmGBln lovlnz mum of ru cd away 0czl new rndeyr are dark lrlznds cw Dad dear we hlnk of you Friends In friends the BPS MO We 105 our Deal Dad when we in you 5er missed drurhter mar traumaIn loving memory or dear husba and lather Ebenerer liar rIr who poured away Oct me There is no parlan or those we love No dleirnce crn divide ror today in memory garden We null walk side by side Evcr remembered by wife nnd family KELLYIn loving memory dear husband and aiilcrycharlei Kelly who passed away on to Each downlnr tiny thought of you prayerr And in the heart that misses you You alwayaJvill hi there query missed and lovingly remem bored unseen and lls MGHU li lovian memory OI dear Ion Pie George Rphert McNul 979401 Perth Regiment died oi wounds in now Oct hum The mlllnfl stream of Illa £025 on aucscul the vacant chslr Ran the VOiLE the smile of him who once Sill then srdIy missed and lavinliy rrmem bel by brulller John And mochclrfa WOOD1n luvan memory or dear mafll and urandmnlher ry 95 ha prssedmwoy or Hel memory in or dear codoy As in the hour she prised nw uver remembered hy run rold dauflttprlrl WLureiia and la llyJ NOTICE To CREDITORS AND OTHERS 1mm Bill 01 SARAH EMINA BPAELING late vol the Town at BID ric in the County at Slmcoe House wile deceased All cranus havin claims union the Estate or Sarah cmlna Sparurlz de ceased who died on outrun the sour day of mi 1950 are named rend the on era ed on or beforelha 22nd dual or or onenuso their names and ed rear and mu prnleulm or their claims an the nature of one securlilerflf on heldby than Xuixpcdiacely after the said amid day or coroner 1958 theaueta or she laid deceased will he dumhuted among the partle encltledcherelo hvlnr regardioul lo the claim which the Admin tramx shall then have notice his aim rhr Ii REIT rr ee re trauma or 19 Admfihtralrlx plicmw Aucuouv SALE will be held the arm MR FRASERf Lot 29 Con OroTwp ea Northmuc III5W To Public aneuon old Mcclnekey 50 Mary commlilce the Ear General linnwv mmrrow evening to assistwllh the crganiulina district wuimil The new body will in mrponle 324 misuonsdive ideal gibups 1nd hauler Bunn Shanty Bay Eiruvaie Minean Smudgmdhursi Camp Borden will both truly and airiorce Holly Anton MlliaAlcn Beach Hur oniu Crawford Stro dBrul1ord Angus and Allislau association iii fifldofimsmym sec school In the district thunder home and animal association The Barrie and disirici council which was orzanlzed in 1953 tell that the increasing number of associatiouscnuld but his servud by council rihat could include re groups The coun Barrie inliOr Fair Drayvs Heavy Eniryifi Cnniinucdlrom pageouc GroupA awards went loThorm ton Willing Workers fresh attrac livc display of garden vegetables the Vasey Eixhls decoraglve play of producehnnd Crown Hi Happy anrs picturesque dlsplay jrt the girls hamegarden club sec Crossiauil Green Thumbs lub won rating 101 its simple but striking SRodd to Health exhibit and Ivy Busy Bees Mount Si Louis BusyGurdeners and Mine sing Garden Club were placed in Grnup Ivy Junior Farmers won flrsi prize or their interclubdigplay Tile Drainnlc vivid educa tional project using miniature machinery and figures ligand ad vantage Second prize in this sectioncht to Aiiision Junior Farmers whose display was en litled What Are You Dai About Lille Blight An attractive display New Life For Dld Bags illuslraling how jute bagging could in tinted and made inlo such usefularii ales as attractive place mats wuu Glenara Junior Furmers third prize ahd fourih prize went to Chilli Willi JunlqrrFarmels for their Soil Management display illustrating good andbéd melhutls or farming gt Ivy Busy Bees placed flilhwith home beautificatiolr Before and Aiierdisplay 4H Potato and Drainicluhl Tammy Smith RR Ulnpia won first prize farhisdispiay of 12 tubers in the Ontariu pa taio and grain clubs class His sister Margaret placed first it the grain section with Alamlca key Jul Goldwater Game Home RR Oriiiia and Tdmlrl Smith iourih MARKET PRICE wrlimusnar ocr Ia noes carrm £695 POULTRY as quoted by First Coeoeiatlve Packers ndOnialic Barrio Hogs $3050 Saws $1300 EGGS placing second third and Lang Medium Small 49 33 21 32 Cr CCrack Pee Wee CHICKEN erGlb Grade Gradé Grade to lbs Grade Grade Grade to lbs Grade Grade Grade Kapurls 2c lover and above price newer wtuhe gall hom*o and rum ace in Hflltresi School Auditofium and um ii allowij Lla additiapiu mac dude Mrs L511 in 011381 rie area vicepresident or the cd to at eight oclock social la re re Ienuuvo the nurnrlnufnruutm provlnre memberaH the iced school board and other leading personsluring iield of 101 edu cliiarl gt Mu Irvine was elected prul dent of the provincial federalion the 8701 annual convention in oroatu ingApril mduate Pills WuieWI University the laughtat Gaakl High Schenl in Niagara Falls She began herjhomc pd schoqi careeras president at he Barker Sirecl Association in Niagara Falls Bar azyuhr befnrerher elec Qn she served as executive vice presldeut Glris Work Prizes in the risw9rkclasp in ardeno slgnd as were award edasinliaw Muflins Marilyn Grahamlfi pithAth Mlllsj Marian Erycfe Stayner Carole Barnard 151 Duckworih St Anne Husband all Groiiation Fancy Sand wiches Pat Spring Wyevnle Ann Husband Marilyn Moore RBJ Barrie Dianne Mason 0rd Station Dnroihy Campbell RR Shanty Bay Brcwnles Mario Smith 2Vuinpia anhg Mason Carole Barnard liyn Grail Janice Handy lg Elgartie Doréald MacDouaéd VUFU 9319933 Marilyn Moo rs Donald MacDonald Janice Bandy Dm thy Campbell Marian Bryce Canned Tomtldea vMis Don MacDu aid eagle asylumI anne agon Di ihy Campbell Marilyn Moore Shirley Dogh tane Thornton Canned Pears Shir ey chhrane Mn Donald MacDonald Carole Barhard Di arllle Muslin Marian Bryce Doro thy ACBWPMIL Dininl Table Bouquet Dorothy Campbell7uan Marie Aikens RE Creemo Anne Hvahnhddirs Donald Mac Donald Eleanor Jenneti Thorn ton Halt Apron Dianne Mason Joyce Reynolds Wycvale Fat cam nice fFCctgn Bio ii anpe Joyce Reyno MrsDan ni Dyna Eleanor gianten Wonl skirt or Jun Joyce Rey nolds Anne Husband Mrs qul aid MacDonald Joan Marie Alk Pat Spring Carole Barnard industrial Arts andtraflax Among gar highest quality at the junior fair was seenxln the sv industrial arts addcrafts claps where metal and wnodwnrk just as cutslandins asthe xhlbits vAlpaneskey was 105 in iha class wiihrfour lit rd Iwirlriers We She keyl Llnjyd Caldwell ERR V1 Shan ty Bay Pro Huade by or Welding Rae Barrie Gary ineii sis add all Wiring Laihe George Bodrmau 39 Cu berland Bee FordAiau keyy Metal Project Marilyn Moore Peter Haidle flee Far Ernie Turned on mod Lathe Alan Tukey Paul Lehpux Tho ton JameslKelIny Garyjowe Jim Page 72 Puget SL mel wq Alan leskey 119 Hastings Jim Page Rae Fold Arthu Tracey amen Aye ustable Iope Holter Lloyd Caldwell Falter Idle James Kenny Tommy lth Rape Work Ala Tesgey Barrie Mrs Donald MacDon Dianna Masqn grins MrsD9mldMaoDona exhibitpr he viriuus sections etnl Project AlIiu Tes Forging ion SL James Kenny Shaniy BayPeter ilaidle BR on Sta lion eprojecl Tinnedou eueial madsum MITftieumare Mecca and yinand upte later it It and In Vlmed Crawford maimed in Thessaiou ihc first Jhcvcek was wllllbefheindveat EASYPAINTING Théreanqn easy my and Cough Pmbyteriau jCiutrch an Tum by Oct 81m TNI of aiming chair Yme pyobahly Pbeen laugh IJJ dint méeii of 1QO see um sum Omit1 WM Ilium Waypainting he cu ride oi lea and runs first than having In much throth to pain the inside par Theeasy way ibis turn the chairupsida down on table and palnL unch uealh paru liraL Put ii back on in bet then finish llu lug Next cm the back when you in his lap lot the not until the eel you can study thociuir while dubbing paint lnlu diiiicu comers earnest I26 laud friend of Red Desk if mmawu an wwitgmimzenh VICEMAB ALlquAS I4 Ieh It LAWREECEvrSITlredtrimithe rrr RCA aadnsllye an eokstnwnf n1 has beau IP90 WWI onyxW loomw nan sle ol he Distant ya it 33 Klfi¥$he 110 31 tooth Ivonne em Fail Jim Mandalaw CatMn Moodnu iaugfimp rid 3152 Humorou 43351 MI Connie amassnu IDA its gaff in war lgEugflr slug ilizizemtc Iirnoia Men of mei Lolly TooDu Wliunr untr Allis Dlalv1230 ulna on final 101 In dorm mum cm 130 To and coaxnu on ler 23 im Wm 3131 Mam surmurm Rm ifl ado rue if to coo e3 cI CID mfl oftexceuom ratmam Baumbllul Baatime tum on NOW An Easy Way 10 Buy OPEN fiififl seas fiflfiflifiid mum LOW DCWN PAYMENT we EASY WE LY TERMS MFF Efifi id mu iiifiiiSSs BOY WEAR 54 DUHLOP ST PA 34433 SCENIC DO IV TRAINS ncnoss



Barrie Examiner, 3 Oct 1956, p. 7 (2024)


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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Author information

Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.