WTKA Roundtable 6/6/2024: The Tale of Joe Blue Tony (2024)

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i post my big ten showcase idea again

WTKA Roundtable 6/6/2024: The Tale of Joe Blue Tony (1)

SethJune 6th, 2024 at 10:37 AM

Things Discussed:

  • Analytics: You have to know how they're made to understand their value. FPI is going to punish Michigan for having a much tougher schedule than Penn State. SP+ is made from scrubbing play-by-play data and roster data, and isolating what different factors mean. PFF is made from pass-fail grading.
  • They are predictive up to a point, and then from there it's up to the analyst to understand how it applies to a specific team, e.g. defensive SP+ in the Big Ten West can't handle how bad B10 West offenses are, and measures that say 5-star quarterbacks in their third year of starting are good but not if they've spent that time behind one of James Franklin's OL.
  • Craig Ross tells the story of the gangs of his high school, and Joe Blue Tony. Moral of the story: Jim Harbaugh wanted love, it was over when they pulled the plug on the TRO case. Sam: makes some sense.
  • Seth: Michigan's mistake with Harbaugh is they decided to stay in the Big Ten and NCAA instead of joining the NFL, which has the Lombardi Trophy.
  • Two-loss teams in the Playoff? Depends on who they beat, if they win the B10.
  • I share my proposal for three showcase games to replace the Big Ten Championship Game.


Instead of a 1 vs 2 game for the championship we play the best three games that weren't played during the regular season. #1 plays the best team they haven't played, #2 plays the best they haven't played, etc. Where necessary the conference is allowed to make judgement calls so that there is always a *clear* champion after the games are played. The games are all played on championship Saturday in three major cities within the Big Ten footprint (New York, Detroit, Chicago, Indianapolis, Los Angeles, Seattle, Philadelphia, Minneapolis, etc.). Downside: it's another Big Ten game, not winner-take-all, although in many cases the #1 game will be winner-take-all. Upsides: three big games instead of one, opportunities to enhance resumes for six teams with Playoff hopes, no rematches, no weird Big Ten champions who finished behind better teams, lost to other teams, etc.

  • Jaishawn Barham: (check back in later today; I have a VERY in-depth writeup coming). Like adding a 1st rounder. PFF coverage score last year was bunk. He could be an NFL DE, a lot of his Maryland tape he's not the guy making the sack; he's the guy causing the sack. His versatility is what Michigan's wanted from the LB position all along. Think he's going to be a star this year then go pro.
  • Is coverage more important than pass rush? That's what the Ravens were about. It's true in the NFL because the NFL puts most of its money into beating pass rush: QBs who read out everything and know what to do with the ball immediately, tackles to protect them outside, etc.

[Hit the JUMP for the player, and video and stuff]

You can catch the entire episode on Michigan Insider's podcast stream.

Seth & Craig were on early here. Part 2 is here. Watch the video here:

The Usual Links:

When I think of Chick-fil-a I think about growing a mustache and a mullet, but when I think about Harbaugh going to the Chargers I think about Joe Blue Tony.

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June 6th, 2024 at 10:58 AM ^

I haven't listened yet, but one bullet point questions two-loss teams in the Playoff (maybe I'm missing something). Every two-loss-or-better Power 5 team except for Oklahoma would have made it in last year based upon the final CFP rankings. And had the rankings actually mattered as to who got the final 11th spot, I think three-loss LSU would have received strong consideration.


With its 2024 schedule, I think even a three-loss Michigan gets strong consideration.

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June 6th, 2024 at 11:41 AM ^

When a 2L team wins the natty, it will be the 3rd time the AP trophy goes to a 2-loss champ, since 1936. It will be momentous. But I don't think it's happening often - looking at that list, and the only ones I see winning their first round matchup are Oregon (against Mizzou) and maybe whomever gets to play FSU between OU and LSU. Sure, crazy upsets happen - we know about those - but I think the only one of those teams I'd reasonably expect to have the talent and depth to threaten in 4 playoff games is Oregon - who lost to Washington close, but twice.

New era will be weird. But the regular season will still count, and also there figures to be a steep drop-off somewhere in the bracket. Many seasons it's between 1 and 2, sometimes 2 and 3. There figure to be a few other steep dropoffs too. But the results won't look too crazy from what we've seen these last 10 years, I expect.

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June 7th, 2024 at 11:43 AM ^

But--apropos of this, but in re: the B1G playoff: Don't the losing squads in all three of those games risk getting done out of a CFP playoff spot/harming their candidacy or seeding? Or are the CFP contenders already chosen by that time?

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June 6th, 2024 at 11:17 AM ^

Have not listened as of yet, but encouraged from the writeup that we seem to have gotten a 1-week break from the relentless NIL/NCAA lawsuit talk. I get it's the offseason, but that topic seemed to be taking over for a while.

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June 6th, 2024 at 11:35 AM ^

What is the TRO case?

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S FL Wolverine

June 6th, 2024 at 11:41 AM ^

Temporary restraining order. Michigan was trying to get one late in the 2023 season to prevent B10 from implementing penalties - in this case suspension - against JH for the Signgate stuff.

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June 6th, 2024 at 11:53 AM ^


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June 6th, 2024 at 11:57 AM ^

tl;dr - showcase is a good idea, because it will avoid rematches, and in the most chaotic realistic scenario I could think of, crowns a real champion half the time, whereas the championship game would both have a rematch and "award" the championship.

I think in a setup without divisions, the showcase setup is great. With 18 teams and no divisions, there's no system that can guarantee you a true champion - but I think the showcase does better than anything else. In 2024, it is possible (and unlikely but not exactly crazy) that OSU's only loss is to M, who's only loss is to Oregon, who's only loss is to OSU, who give PSU and Iowa their only losses. That is 5 1L teams. It's fair to say PSU and Iowa don't have a claim because they lost to OSU, and there's no fair way to deal with a 3-way tie. The Big Ten likely has an Oregon-OSU rematch for the title, which is a rematch, and feels like a relatively arbitrary shafting of M because we didn't get to prove ourselves against PSU or Iowa. You'll define a clear champion - but it feels very much like awarding, not winning.

In Seth's showcase, OSU has played all 5 teams and gone 4-1 against them, so they'll play someone random, and Oregon and M both get one of PSU and Iowa. If OSU, Oregon and M win their showcase game you've at least established PSU and Iowa aren't worthy. If OSU wins and Oregon or M loses, you've still got a 3 way tie - it just now involved Iowa or Penn St in place of Oregon or Michigan. If OSU loses, then you've got a straightforward champ if either or both of Oregon and M win. If all 3 lose, you've got a two-way tie between PSU and Iowa. So I think there are about 8 different iterations, and in half you've got a straightforward champ based on results under their control on the field, and in half you've got a 2-3 way tie that will have to be based on who they did or didn't play.

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June 6th, 2024 at 2:44 PM ^

You almost need a PhD to fully understand your last 2 paragraphs!

That's not a shot at you --- but your (fairly realistic!) example shows how absurd figuring out a Champion will be when teams only play 53% (9 of 17) of their Conference-mates during the regular season, and the B1G post-season (the Championship Game) only includes 11% (2 of 18) of the conference.

Compare that versus the NFL --- Detroit (and every other NFL team) plays 100% of the teams in their own division, 60% (9 of 15) of the conference as a whole, and 43%* (7 of 16) of the conference qualifies for the playoffs.

I like how you worded it. There will be quite a few times, a B1G Championship will be "awarded", as opposed to "won." I always thought the "Showcase" idea was a unnecessary and impractible idea (as well as being a bit of a well-beaten dead horse), but it would make somewhat more sense in this new B1G era.


*The NFL honestly invites too many teams into the playoffs. But at least nobody can argue they didn't have a relatively equal and fair shot at the Conference title.

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June 6th, 2024 at 3:31 PM ^

tl;dr - CFB's conferences should be small enough to have round robins, for fairness. And in the era of the national playoff being expansive, that really is good enough. but they won't, because money and also because fans care about other things than fairness, like rivalry.

From a purely "fairness" model, the best way to crown a champion is have everyone play everyone home-and-home. Barring that, having a full round robin is the way to go. NBA, NHL, MLB should all figure that out, and the post-season should be an additional trophy to the regular season pennant, with more or less importance based on the sport/the fans. I think most soccer leagues work this way? MLS doesn't quite tho, right?

But that's not practicable in football. Personally, I think the NFL's divisions are a little small and/or the conferences are a little too large - but the playoff structure does seem like a fair addendum to the season to crown a true champion, even if it lets in a litte too much.

Ignore the national playoff or a second - CFB's conference championship games have never been fair. They made some sense in the 12/14 team era with divisions, but fans (myself included) hated that because you'd regularly get a team playing for their conference title who could have one game wipe out a season's worth of results against common opponents - so even then, they didn't feel fair. In the NFL, it feels fair because losing a playoff game can derail a season - but 1 win for a 9-win team doesn't make them a champ, whereas in CFB, that's exactly what 2011 and 2012 Wisconsin did to win the Big Ten. This also happened regularly in the Big 12, most recently in 2022. If those divisions were part of a larger playoff it may have felt fair - but as the basis for awarding a champion, it didn't feel reflective of the season.

But in all these things it's not just about fairness - it's mostly about money, but also an preference. The MLB wants 18 yankees-red sox games every year, not 3-6. The MLB postseason may feel cheap but tournament baseball IS more riveting than a Tuesday game in June. The NFL won't go away from home-and-homes not for money - but because fans love it. And CFB won't adopt a "fair" system for conference champs because, in this playoff era, the conference championship games are even moreso must-see TV to determine playoff spots and whos playing again in two weeks, as opposed to who hangs out until NYD or sees their season end.

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S FL Wolverine

June 6th, 2024 at 3:44 PM ^

This is what makes the last three years so special. Michigan won three undisputed Big Ten conference championships. No one can argue they were not earned since we played every East team and the West champion. No one else even has a claim. Then last season we won the CFP by beating all comers. Maybe Georgia has an argument, but it's not the best.

Looking at how messed up even a Big Ten title is gonna be going forward, I find that my care factor for CFB is going down. I am not going to get emotionally invested in a process that lets the Big Ten corporate offices decide who is a "deserving" champion vs playing it out on the field. We have already seen how little they value Michigan, and politics will be involved bigtime. And given that it's often going to be a mythical / political B10 championship, you have to hang your hopes on an earned title in the CFP, which is gonna be very hard to win given the number of teams you have to beat. It can be done, but if that's the only thing that's an earned championship, it seems like a lot of emotional investment for something that's gonna be very rare. Then you lump in the CFB roster chaos and it feels like last year truly was the end of an era.

I hope this is transitory and we move to a model that creates earned champions at division / conference levels. Yeah, it's probably gonna be NFL-lite, but that will be better than whatever this is.

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June 6th, 2024 at 3:53 PM ^

-in 2022, Georgia didn't play Bama (second best team in the league, arguably) nor did they play a single conference champion (OSU lol, TCU technically wasn't the B12 champ). In 2021, UGA wasn't a conference champ themselves. M's 2023 'ship was more legit than either of theirs.

-it's definitely a change. if it's really stupid/unfair, it won't last too long. But as long as we're playing in Michigan stadium in the autumn, I'll be paying attention. I may not care as much about the playoff in soulless parking lots conveniently located near airports - but if M is playing I will still care.

-I also think the 18-team Big Ten is temporary. I don't want a 36-team NFL-lite split between the SEC and Big Ten, I imagine a playoff that doesn't include ACC, B12 and G5 teams is liable to an anti-trust lawsuit, there's a whole lotta churn and unsettled business to figure out. So I'm taking a "wait and see" approach. Also, I think M is going to play some fun football and be pretty good moving forward. But I think this setup won't last beyond the next round of TV contracts in the early 2030s.

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Red is Blue

June 6th, 2024 at 6:32 PM ^

Not a lawyer, but why would the SEC and B1G deciding to have a playoff that excludes other conferences be anti-trust? When the Rose Bowl was only available to Pac 10 (rip) and B1G champs was that anti-trust?

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June 6th, 2024 at 8:19 PM ^

fair i'm not a lawyer either. I'd still hate it. I'm still kinda sore at the big ten and tony pettiti.

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June 6th, 2024 at 12:18 PM ^

is Brian on this one?

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June 6th, 2024 at 12:52 PM ^

no he's on vacation

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June 6th, 2024 at 12:29 PM ^

Wonderful story, Craig. So I guess Jim and Warde just don't have the same love language.

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June 6th, 2024 at 1:31 PM ^

That's kind of annoying when your athletic director can't get along with his national championship winning coach.

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Blue Ballin'

June 6th, 2024 at 12:39 PM ^

I thought Craig was talking about a kid named Joe Blutoni.

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June 6th, 2024 at 2:19 PM ^

It was funnier to write it this way.

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Blue Ballin'

June 6th, 2024 at 4:55 PM ^

Ha! Can almost see Craig rolling his eyes from here.

Worth noting that Joe Blutoni's sister, Carla, had a boyfriend named Tony, which in turn led to a great deal of grafitti and resultant friction between the gangs.

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June 6th, 2024 at 2:49 PM ^

Showcase is such a good idea that there's a 0 percent chance it ever happens. It's too perfect for our corrupted world.

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Wolverine 73

June 6th, 2024 at 2:54 PM ^

Let the conference decide is how we got OSU in the Rose Bowl in 1973 when Michigan deserved to go.

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June 6th, 2024 at 3:07 PM ^

Perhaps more important than merely getting into the CFP is positioning to be a 5-8 seed and host the first round. And if PSU does end up 10-2 or losing the BIGCG with a weak schedule it will be interesting to see if they are ranked higher than a team like Michigan with maybe a 9-3 record against better competition, and probably better advanced metrics too. We've brought basketball tournament seeding arguments into football--yay(!)

In some ways it would be better to finish 3rd in conference, skip the CCG, and get a home game to warm up into the CFP, instead of actually making top 2 and getting into that game. If you win, you get a bye into a big bowl but play a team that just won a game a week prior, when you've been off for a month. And if you lose the CCG, you still have to play 4 games in December-January to win a CFP NC. Seems extremely difficult.

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June 6th, 2024 at 3:14 PM ^

congratulations for being the first person covering michigan football in *any* way to observe that the ravens' defensive scheme prioritizes coverage over rush. and this continues to evolve; last season minter made a comment about how the ravens used 6'4" safety kyle hamilton at nickel to take advantage of his wingspan in coverage, prompting minter to re-evaluate body types for all defensive roles in his defensive scheme.

the genesis of this adaptation in philosophy seems to coincide with the ravens losing two edge rushers (smith & suggs) in free agency after the 2018 season, which is similar to what happened in ann arbor after 2021 when hutchinson and ojabo left. the ravens added only free safety earl thomas (and began playing him in the box that season more than in all his years in seattle combined; thomas was also quoted on how the ravens' scheme was so much more complicated) while we switched sainristil over to DB. instead of rushing pretty much exclusively, under minter our edges began dropping into coverage fairly often while we generated rush with a combination of stunting/twisting (which is a hallmark of an elston coached D-line based on his history at ND) as well as zero/zone blitzes. minter typically crowded the line but had many of those sim pressure guys drop back into coverage. this was most apparent against duh osu in 2022; harrell was the defender going stride for stride with the TE on 4th down forcing stroud to attempt the perfect pass which went off the TE's hands, and of course upshaw had dropped into zone coverage on the second to last INT that game. the multi-skill set required from our edges is why former 5 star okie(?) saw little playing time because all he could do was rush, prompting him to leave. minter could be pretty nasty - i recall one blitzer came who got picked up by a lineman, but the blitzer was followed by a stunting DT - and the only thing between the DT and the QB was a 190 lb RB who was horribly overmatched.

of course, minter also said that the scheme starts with run stuffing DTs, which forces 3rd and long, allowing us to deploy our full coverage package on passing downs. the bottom line is that with a fuller understanding of what the scheme is about and how it works, along with the required skill sets, a more informed opinion can be formed about potential recruits and why they're being pursued - and why others may not be - beyond the prioritizing for character and attitude.

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June 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM ^

NCAA 25 seems to be confident in Michigan's offense this year.

WTKA Roundtable 6/6/2024: The Tale of Joe Blue Tony (3)

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June 6th, 2024 at 9:32 PM ^

Key bullet missing from the proposal…Fox, CBS, and NBC all get a game. Mo’ money, mo’ money, mo’ money.

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June 7th, 2024 at 4:18 PM ^

I think about the showcase proposal entirely too often. It'd be PERFECT!

It would work amazingly well for three 20-team "power" conferences. Each year, you could organize each conference into two divisions with 10 teams each, and you could reshuffle the divisions every year or two to keep things fresh. That'd set up a round robin that minimizes controversy when seeding the championship games, as well as each conference's two contests for the runners up. The primary benefits would be 1) having a clean procedure for auto-bids, 2) an extra data point opportunity for the most deserving CFP contenders, 3) a structure that prevents rematches prior to the playoff, and 4) a far more exciting lead-in to selection Sunday.

One change I'd make though, is to reduce the CFP field down to 8. I'm not at all fond of the month-long process to determine a champion, and believe that too cheapens the novelty of the college football regular season. Just add four wildcards to the four champions (each Power 3 + the top G5) and move it along.

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WTKA Roundtable 6/6/2024: The Tale of Joe Blue Tony (2024)


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